Setting Goals – Part #1

It has been very important that during this entire journey I have worked on my goals every week and have also re-evaluated them as I moved along.

I believe it is also important as you work on setting your goals that you focus on the performance and outcomes.

I’ve had many goals during this 19-month journey from losing weight to improving my fitness. I will dive into on my next blog. Take note that when you are setting your goals that you categorize them so you are aware of where you should focus your time and attention. Setting goals is crucial to taking control of your life’s actions. I would go over my goals each week with my Coach Sarah. The following was one of my goals from day one:

Outcome Goals – Lose 130 lbs/Become a Healthier Me

Performance Goals – Selecting a Meal Plan/Follow the Plan/Concentrate on Discipline

Process Goals – Attending Weekly Coaching Sessions/Reach Out for Support From Others

If you want a successful outcome it is important to set goals that are attainable and challenging. Know, that goals are used and become powerful because they narrow your focus. It is centered around the mindset as discussed in my blog post, “Changing Your Mindset”, and were focused on the execution to always TRUST THE PROCESS!

Re-evaluate your goals weekly, you will adjust your goals as life happens and don’t beat yourself up. Remember that it is about progress NOT perfection. You can reset your goals to help stay focused when needed. Goals are events that happen and will eventually become your past. If we lose sight of purpose, then goals will just lead you in the wrong direction. Reflection and focus are what is important.

Reminder, if you are thinking about joining Profile (run don’t walk), please use my code Julie50 for a discount off your membership. If you want to just learn more before committing, they offer free consultations! Call the Ankeny office (515-257-7050) and make that appointment, it will change your life!