Emotional Adjustments and Finding Balance Through the Holidays…

The emotional adjustments of substantial weight loss can be overwhelming and very personal.  It is imperative for success to acknowledge the psychological changes just as much as the physical change. 

Dramatic weight loss can cause intense fear and anxiety with putting any amount of weight back on and this can be the hardest part of the journey. The fear can lead to anxiety over every food you put in your mouth.  The pressure can be overwhelming and sometimes it can cause you to be obsessed and can lead to eating disorders.  It is so important to lean on your support system and for me that not only means leaning on my family but also my Profile Coach, Sarah.  I continue to meet with her weekly where we talk about these feelings and learn self-control without that feeling of dread when you eat something that may be indulging and the fear that it will put you right back to where you started.  This has been so important to me and why I love Profile by Sanford.  They give me the tools and the coaching sessions to really work through all these issues.  Losing weight is not just about calories in and calories out but a wide range of emotions that go with losing weight.   

It is important to remember the following:

  • Comparison is just a ‘thief of joy’!! Remember to focus on yourself without comparing yourself to others! 
  • Do not think that weight defines who you are – I can’t express this enough!! You are absolutely NOT your weight.  I believe the reason I was successful in losing weight is that I was a very happy person with a wonderful husband and family with wonderful friends and I didn’t lose the weight because I was unhappy, I lost the weight because I was healthy unhappy.  I knew that even though I had no health issues, if I continued at the weight I was, I would eventually have health issues and I did not want that for myself, I wanted to continue to be happy but at a healthier weight so I can keep up with my fun husband and my beautiful family!! 
  • Remember that this is a LIFE LONG COMMITMENT! Don’t think this is a quick fix, if you do, your weight may sneak back on!  Believe that you can sustain your goal and it will take work but keep your goals in check and remember that this is a lifestyle change. 
  • Always celebrate your accomplishment even the small ones! 
  • Remember self-reflection and do fact checks with yourself.  Write down why you wanted this, why you continued and why you want to be the healthier person you have become! 

The next two weeks we celebrate Christ’s Birth and bring in a New Year.  We tend to celebrate the holidays with food, candies, cocktails and this year also gives us stress, anger, sadness and anxiety which can lead to overindulging.  Remember to go back and check your goals and it is okay to give yourself grace and find balance.  I allow myself to have something that I absolutely want to have, but I plan for it, decide what it is and then enjoy it! It is all about balance and learning that life still happens and with it we can enjoy life without feeling guilty or deprived!!  

It is helpful to stay active and get your workouts in, get a workout in before you eat, believe me it will help with your choices!! 

If you would like to hear more and also connect with others who want to take back control of their wellness and well-being, join us virtually this Tuesday, December 22 from 5:00 – 5:30 pm where we talk this week about the approaching Holidays and the stresses that Covid has on our plans and that it may look a little different this year!  If you would like to join us, please send me your email at journey4julie@gmail.com and we will send the you the Zoom link. You do not need to be a Profile member to join us, everyone is invited! 

Also, a reminder, if you are thinking about joining Profile (run don’t walk), please use my code Julie50 for a discount off your membership.  If you want to just learn more before committing, they offer free consultations! Please call the Ankeny office (515-257-7050) and make that appointment, it will change your life!