Managing Stress and Anxiety During 2020…

Speaking of breaking down barriers, as we all know 2020 has given us every reason to be more stressed, have increased anxiety, more agitation, increased nervousness, even depression. For me, I admit I like to have control of every aspect of my life. I’m a planner and when I can’t plan and have control of what is happening, those stresses and anxieties heighten. The year 2020 has taken all control and planning out of our vocabulary!

In the past (pre-Profile), I would have turned to food and I know a lot of us are turning to food for comfort. It is what we know, and our society promotes it, as most things we do socially is centered around food. These are barriers we need to break down and to not use food as a crutch! It is okay to eat in moderation, but use your strength, determination, will power and positive mindset to break the habit of turning or using food as your comfort zone. I have been working on rechanneling and use other stress relievers other than eating poor choices of food that leads to overeating. The following are some of my “go-to” alternatives:

MUSIC – this is my main source of solace! I use music to heal the soul and also to find joy in living! Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a huge concert going buff! 2020 and Covid has even taken that away from us for now; however, I still use music to relieve stress. If you saw my play list, you likely would be very confused as it includes all artists from every genre! Frank Sinatra, Johnny Cash, Big Band, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Van Halen, Motley Crue, Hip-Hop, Drake, Post Malone, Chris Brown, A$AP Ferg (just to name a few) and of course growing up in the 80’s, every hair band that made an album, and oh, I can’t forget Duran Duran!

There are several studies that show how music speaks when words fail. Using music can help heal trauma and helps change your brain chemistry. I could go on an on about how music is used in science, but we all know how music affects us personally and for me it is healing, and I’ve used it to break down the barriers on my wellness journey.

EXERCISE – using physical activity (while listening to music) is what motivates me and changes a negative mind to a positive one. Exercise boosts energy and research shows it helps alleviate mild to moderate depression and helps with stress and increases relaxation, improved health with better blood pressure, and heart rate, helps control our weight and most importantly during this pandemic, increases our immunity!

ORGANIZATION – for me, increased organization helps me feel more in control! Clean out a closet, rearrange your pantry, update your calendar/planner, journal your thoughts! Journaling during my journey has been very helpful. Writing down my feelings, good and bad is therapeutic and healing.

FIND A HOBBY – For me, one of my “hobbies” is watching sports and even though our beloved Hawkeyes lost their first game, it was healing to just be able to watch them play football. If you are not into sports, there are so many DIY projects you can learn through Pinterest or YouTube!

This list includes some of the activities I use to re-wire my brain and not turn to food during highly stressful times. Find you own motivation and activities that give you a positive mindset and helps relieve your stress and anxiety. Dig deep down and find the positive even in the darkest moments. Be kind to each other, remember that we don’t know what others are going through and we need to be there for each other!

If you would like to hear more and also connect with others who want to take back control of their wellness and well-being, join us virtually this Tuesday, October 27 from 5:00 – 5:30 pm where we will talk about breaking down barriers especially as we approach the Holidays and the stresses that Covid has on our plans and that it may look a little different this year! If you would like to join us, please send me your email at and we will send the you the Zoom link.

Also, a reminder, if you are thinking about joining Profile (run don’t walk), please use my code Julie50 for a discount off your membership. If you want to just learn more before committing, they offer free consultations! Please call the Ankeny office (515-257-7050) and make that appointment, it will change your life!

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