Body Image – Beauty and Confidence Begins from Within

It has taken me a few months to write this next blog, and the reason is that this one was a bit of a struggle to put down on “paper”.  Body Image and how we see ourselves, how society projects how we should see ourselves, impacts our confidence, feelings of self-worth, and gives pressure to “look” a certain way.  For me, a positive mindset and a complete acceptance of my body, becoming a healthier version of myself, more energy and more mobility was the real work behind losing weight.  This topic, that is so broad and include some pain is mostly about growth!  

I know from my perspective, losing weight has allowed me to have some candid conversations with others and I want to share some of my thoughts and feelings in hopes that this resonates with you and we can start to think more positive about our bodies!  

From the beginning of my journey, the main reason for my motivation and determination has been to become a healthier me.  I loved myself, my husband loved me for who I was/am and has always made me feel beautiful, even at time when I didn’t.  However, even though I loved who I was inside, I did not always love what I saw in the mirror.  Along with losing weight, I had to also work on my relationship with accepting ME. That it doesn’t matter what you look like, it matters who you are inside and the beauty that is within.  Society casts so much doubt and really causes one to question their external beauty and you wrestle with the suggestion that it matters what you look like.  

First of all, there is more to losing weight than calories in and calories out (I’ve mentioned this numerous times).  However, when you lose weight, you end up looking “different” than you did before and with that comes real shifts in mindset and that is a lot of work as well! It is important to focus on the new healthier you not necessarily the “look”.  With that being said, it is still okay to celebrate the “new” you and that includes the “look” and I will say that it is thrilling to be able to fit in smaller clothes and to shop in more than 1 or 2 stores.  Unless you have experienced it, I’m sure it is hard to understand.  It is just as hard to change your mindset to the way you look at yourself as it is to take the weight off.  It is a complete double edge sword. 

Honestly, it is just as important to work on your relationship with yourself and your body as it is with your relationship with your spouse, significant other, friends, or family.  I work at this every single day including discussions at my weekly coaching session with my Profile Coach, Sam.  

Our society has taught me as a young child, our image of our body is complex, and the following are some bullet points on how to continue to work on the positive mindset of loving your body:

  • How many things do we miss out on for the fear of what other people think? You deserve better! Ask yourself why you re allowing other people’s opinion that stop you from being the best version of yourself. 
  • Stay body positive – OWN IT and ROCK IT!! Change your mindset on the way you feel vs the way you think you look!  This is a daily challenge for me! 
  • Keep concentrating on the new healthier you! 
  • Reflect on your goals.
  • Move your body – – helps with so many things including your mental health and positive mindset! 
  • Keep a gratitude journal. 
  • Give yourself time to adapt.
  • Share your journey with others. 
  • Reflect on why you love yourself, not because of how you look but the values you hold and strive for! You are more to your friends and loved ones than how you look!! 

Working on my new mindset has been a work in progress as well, if you would like to hear more and also connect with others who want to take back control of their wellness and well-being, join us virtually this Tuesday, April 27 from 5:00 – 5:30 pm.  We will discuss body image and accepting and celebrating the real you during your health improvement journey.  If you would like to join us, please send me your email at and we will send you the Zoom link. You do not need to be a Profile member to join us, everyone is invited! 

Reminder, if you are thinking about joining Profile (run don’t walk), please use my code Julie50 for a discount off your membership.  If you want to just learn more before committing, they offer free consultations! Please call the Ankeny office (515-257-7050) and make that appointment, it will change your life!